What happened?

Leia as histórias abaixo e responda às perguntas.

Story 1

My mother wanted everyone to be ready by 2 p.m. because my grandparents were coming to visit. My brother David was not ready because he was eating ice-cream. My sister Susan was not ready because she was on the phone. I was not ready because I was playing with the dog. Mom got mad that we did not obey her.

ready = pronto/a
to visit = visitar
mad = bravo/a
to obey = obedecer
narrator = narrador
to react = reagir

Why did Mom want the children to be ready by 2 p.m.?



Why was David not ready?



Why was Susan not ready?



Why was the narrator not ready?



How did Mom react?



Story 2

Monica needed to study for her Math test. She needed help. She was not good in Math, but her best friend Sam was. She asked Sam to help her study. After they studied, Monica invited Sam for ice-cream. The next day, Monica did really well on her test.

to study = estudar
test = prova
to need = precisar
good = bom/boa
to help = ajudar
after = depois
to invite = convidar
next = próximo
to thank = agradecer

What did Monica need to do?



How did Monica find the help she needed?



How did Monica do on her test?



How did Monica thank Sam for the help?



Story 3

Bobby was very scared of snakes. His teacher decided that the best way to teach children about animals was to bring animals to school. Each day, an expert would bring a different kind of animal. On the first day, the expert brought a turtle. On the second day, he brought spiders, and on the third day he brought a snake. Bobby was so scared he hid in the bathroom.

snake = cobra
to be scared = ter medo
to arrive = chegar
to decide = decidir
way = meio
to teach = ensinar
animals = animais
to bring = trazer
different = diferente
expert = especialista
turtle = tartaruga
spider = aranha
to hide = esconder
bathroom = banheiro

What was Bobby scared of?



What did his teacher decide?



What animals were brought to school?



What happened to Bobby?



Extra Credit:

Be creative: Who found Bobby in the bathroom?







O Educabras prepara você para o Vestibular e o Enem. Entre na faculdade de sua escolha e siga a carreira de seus sonhos!
Conteúdo e recursos para otimizar seu tempo de estudo e maximizar sua nota no Vestibular e no Enem.

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Agilize e facilite seu trabalho!
- Conteúdo didático para elaborar aulas e usar em classe.
- Banco de dados com milhares de questões por matéria.
- Elabore provas em alguns minutos! Opção de imprimir ou baixar provas e salvá-las em seu cadastro para usá-las no futuro.

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Programa de Estudo Personalizado com foco nos vestibulares que você prestará:
- Otimize o tempo de estudo: concentre-se nos assuntos relevantes para os vestibulares de sua escolha.
- Opção de incluir o Enem em seu Programa de Estudo Personalizado.
- Conteúdo e Ferramentas: Aulas, resumos, simulados e provas de Vestibulares e do Enem.
* Confira se os vestibulares de sua escolha fazem parte do Programa de Estudo Personalizado

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O Educabras ajuda o colégio a melhorar o desempenho acadêmico dos alunos no Enem e no Vestibular e aumentar o índice de aprovação nas mais conceituadas faculdades do Brasil.
Pacotes de assinaturas: contrate assinaturas a um valor menor para seus professores e alunos.

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